+1 801 322 3401 rachelwinn@uscriticalmaterials.com

US Critical Materials – INL Report June 15, 2024

US Critical Materials has the highest rare earth grades in the United States, and is currently working with Idaho National Laboratory on an environmentally responsible separation and processing system.

High-Grade Gallium, Rare Earths Verified

Idaho National Lab tests Sheep Creek samples; one rock from Montana project contains 17.8% rare earths and 350 ppm* gallium. By Shane Lasley, Metal Tech News May 18, 2024 Recent analysis by Idaho National Laboratories confirms that US Critical Materials Corp.’s Sheep Creek project in southwestern Montana hosts extremely high concentrations of gallium alongside the […]

High-Grade Gallium Confirmed in Montana

US Critical Materials identifies outstanding gallium grades with the high-grade rare earths at its Sheep Creek project. By Shane Lasley, Metal Tech NewsMar 25, 2024 7:34pm In addition to showing promise as a high-grade domestic source of rare earths, US Critical Materials Corp.’s Sheep Creek project in Montana shows the potential to be an equally high-grade […]

U.S. Critical Materials Looks to Mine Rare Earth Minerals To Counter China And Protect U.S. National Security

U.S. Critical Materials Looks to Mine Rare Earth Minerals To Counter China And Protect U.S. National Security By OAN’s Nathaniel Mannor10:27 AM – Monday, January 22, 2024 American businesses are coming together to combat China’s near monopoly on rare Earth extraction. One America’s Nathaniel Mannor has our report. https://uscriticalmaterials.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/oan-uscm-optimised.mp4 Also published on One America News: […]

US Critical Materials Separation Tech

USCM is working with INL scientists to develop cutting- edge tech for the separation of rare earths and other critical minerals. Expanding into a critical segment of America’s rare earths supply chain, US Critical Materials Corp. is working with Idaho National Laboratory to develop new technologies to separate this suite of notoriously tightly interlocked technology […]

Evidence of larger Sheep Creek REE deposit

New geophysical surveys identify potential source of the high-grade rare earths found on the surface at Montana project. A pair of geophysical surveys have identified a potential deeper source of the high-grade rare earths and critical minerals found in carbonatite dykes at Sheep Creek. A pair of recent geophysical surveys has identified a potentially larger […]

Deeper Look At Sheep Creek Rare Earths

Latest lab results show high grades extend to depth at REE property in SW Montana. Assay results confirm that high-grade rare earth mineralization identified on the surface at US Critical Materials Corp.’s Sheep Creek project in southwestern Montana continues underground. Measuring the dip of a roughly four-foot-thick carbonatite vein enriched with rare earths and other […]

Sheep Creek Deposit’s Rare Earth Samples Exceed Highest Grades In US

US Critical Materials Corp. announced Tuesday that rare earth samples from 125 feet underground at its flagship Sheep Creek property in Southwest Montana report grades that exceed any other domestic rare earth resource. US Critical Mineral’s Crowley Adit #3 at Sheep Creek, Montana, showing banded carbonatite exposed near the top of the right rib. Credit: […]

US Critical Materials Explores Sheep Creek

Begins systematic investigation of overlooked rare earths project in SW Montana. To gain a deeper understanding of the high-grade rare earth mineralization coming to surface at Sheep Creek, and investigate the potential for a larger deposit of this group of technology elements, US Critical Metals Corp. and US Critical Materials Corp. are carrying out detailed […]

US Critical Materials